So Much Modem Madness
So Much Modem Madness (Power User Software) (1993).ISO
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File List
377 lines
0829ANSI.ZIP 256753 08-30-91 Tons Of ANSI Screens From The Milwaukee BBS
| System. SpitFire BBS
10_MORE.ZIP 22727 09-08-91 This file is a collection of Art & Music. All
| can be run to VIEW and HEAR on WCv.3 as
| *Hellox screens!
18ANSIS.ZIP 26647 03-23-93 18 Wonderful ANSI Graphics Screens
1992ANS.ZIP 409463 01-01-93 THE SOFT PARADE ANSI Art From FidoNet ANSI
| Art Distribution Net. 'TONS' of Pictures!
201_ANSI.ZIP 217023 10-13-92 Two hundred and one ANSI BBS screens.
4TESSLA.ZIP 30680 08-13-92 Bunch of ANSI Screens
6TESSLA.ZIP 34382 08-28-92 Bunch of ANSI Screens
A2A20.ZIP 37534 11-07-91 Convert ASCII Text Files To ANSI color A2A
| files used to be around 8 times as large as
| the original ASCII file. Now they average
| only 2-3 times!
AASS204.ZIP 161025 10-06-93 View/Manage Ansi/Avt Screens. Will play Ansi
| Music.
ACDU0593.ZIP 1181093 05-01-93 ACiD Presents: May Acquisition
ACID693A.ZIP 335511 05-31-93 Acquisition ANSI Art and viewer from Acid
| Productions. Contains A-Z of the ART
| collection [1/3]
ACID693B.ZIP 329865 06-01-93 Acquisition ANSI Art and viewer from Acid
| Productions. Contains A-Z of the ART
| collection [2/3]
ACID693C.ZIP 75947 06-01-93 Acquisition ANSI Art and viewer from Acid
| Productions. Contains A-Z of the ART
| collection [3/3]
ACOLOR62.ZIP 23137 05-02-93 ANSI Color Generator v6.21; Add ANSI color to
| ASCii files. Supports WC!3.x and PCB special
| color codes. Also creates files using ANSI
| color. Fully SysOp configurable.
ACP15.ZIP 13986 08-21-92 (A)nsi (C)olor (P)rompt v1.5 Colorize,
| customize your DOS prompt. Get rid of C:> and
| replace it with ANSI cartoon characters and
| images... even a dastardly prank prompt.
AFR2.ZIP 23682 03-14-91 AFS is a menu file viewer intended for ease
| of viewing of multiple or single ANSI coded
| text files on IBM or compatible computer
| systems.
ALL_NITE.ZIP 104458 03-30-91 Collection of ANSI menus for Spitfire BBS.
AM130.ZIP 13614 08-29-91 Bunch of BBS menus. They are freely
| available, but are freeware. total 22 files
| You may modify these menues to suit you, or
| just use them as examples of what can be done
AN2PCB11.ZIP 10944 07-02-91 ANSI2PCB - Converts an ANSI encoded text file
| into PCBoards AT text file.
ANCTRL21.ZIP 4414 07-15-92 Ansi Control is a program that gives you easy
| control of your screen colors, and modes
| without having to remember cryptic ANSI
| commands.
ANS2WLD2.ZIP 8772 11-20-91 ANS2WLD V2.0; (A utility to convert ANSI
| files to Wildcat! 3.0 format) This program
| will convert your ANSI screen files into a
| format which is compatable with Wildcat! 3.0
ANSI-MA.ZIP 273091 01-14-93 Collection Of ANSI screen Art By Arnett
ANSI2.ZIP 8934 02-08-91 7 Great ANSI Screens, Some Are Animated
ANSICO.ZIP 46693 02-22-92 convert plain ASCII text files into color
| ANSI files, ANY size file This program is
| great for Sysops to colorize some of there
| BBS text files.
| which have been compiled as COM files.
ANSICON.ZIP 39167 04-28-92 ANSIcon V2.1 ANSIcon is a program that will
| convert plain ASCII text files into color
| ANSI files, This program can convert ANY size
| file, and you can append the output
ANSICV22.ZIP 64292 01-25-91 Two ANSI utility programs
ANSIDEMO.ZIP 5537 11-01-91 ANSI.SYS Color Table Screen
ANSIDRV.ZIP 5468 04-17-91 This essay is an attempt to explain how I use
| the ANSI.SYS driver to configure the function
| keys on my computer, and to control the
| screen.
ANSIIMGE.ZIP 25758 08-05-92 ANSI Image Version 1.01.00
ANSIKEEP.ZIP 165605 06-06-93 Some Of The Better ANSI Screens Ever! Some
| are animated. Great for BBS use!
ANSILONG.ZIP 35856 06-13-91 Useful For Uploading ANSI Files To BBS Nets.
| Eliminates CR/LF's From The Picture
ANSIMATE.ZIP 80731 05-19-91 The friendly way to learn more about ANSI.SYS!
ANSIMS10.ZIP 36099 03-01-91 ANSI Mouse drawing program the drawing
| workspace with a menu-bar on the top line.
ANSIMSG1.ZIP 7509 11-08-91 ANSIMSG V1.0 will read in any text based file
| (PCBoard message file, QWK packet
| messages.dat file, or standard text file) and
| will search for valid ansi escape sequences
ANSIP21A.ZIP 198413 08-27-91 ANSIPLAY version 2.1 [1/2]
ANSIP21B.ZIP 90875 08-27-91 ANSIPLAY VERSION 2.1 [2/2] ANSIPLAY plays
| music, sounds and pause delays from your ANSI
| files.
ANSIPL30.ZIP 284493 05-18-93 ANSIPLUS 3.00: Great console driver for
| VGA/EGA under DOS 3.0-6.0, packed with
| features: full color control, screen saver,
| scroll-back, scroll freeze, smooth scrolling,
| key stacking, ANSI support, Windows aware,
| international support, easy to use utilities,
| free BBS updates, and much, much more. New
| features!
ANSIREM2.ZIP 8853 04-18-91 ansi-rem - A program to remove ANSI escape
| sequences from a text file. This program uses
| a very simple-minded method of identifying an
| escape sequence.
ANSISCR.ZIP 286616 04-25-92 Tons Of ANSI Screens For SpitFire BBS and
| Others Softwares.
ANSIV1.ZIP 122271 12-03-91 Over 200 ANSI screens for use or editing
ANSIWTCH.ZIP 41402 01-01-91 AnsiWatch; ANSI file viewing utility. It has
| a built-in ANSI interpreter, so you do not
| need an ANSI driver such as ANSI.SYS
ANSI_ART.ZIP 352887 07-20-91 Over 100 Excellent examples of ANSI screens
ANSI_I.ZIP 40923 01-01-92 A memory-resident utility that enables
| selectable use of the extended screen and
| keyboard control sequences that normally
| require loading the ANSI.SYS device driver.
ANSI_J.ZIP 40340 05-15-93 ANSI.COM V1.3j - can be used in place of
| DOS's ANSI.SYS and gives better performance
| too. Includes ANSIPCB.COM that implements
| PCBoard's @ codes for displaying text files
| at the DOS prompt. This version now includes
| @freespace@, @who@, @lmr@ and all the new
| PCBoard 15.0 variables along with supporting
| @variable:nnx@ formats.
ANSI_LA1.ZIP 38652 06-30-92 ANSI Screen of Las Angeles California
ANSI_PL2.ZIP 42790 05-30-93 A group of ANSI screens from PLCM.
ANSI_Z07.ZIP 22600 04-17-91 23 ANSI Encounters Screens
ANSI_Z14.ZIP 10624 01-14-91 Screens From The GT InterNational ANSI
| Conference
ANSI_Z25.ZIP 9177 01-25-91 10 Ansi Files Collected from the GT
| International ANSI COnference
ANSI_Z39.ZIP 18472 02-08-91 ANSI files from GTNet's InterNational ANSI
| Conference
ANSI_Z40.ZIP 15934 08-28-91 9 Fantabulous Pics by Famous ANSI Artists
ANSI_Z59.ZIP 18445 02-28-91 Great Ansi Pics from the GT International Art
| Conference
ANSI_Z65.ZIP 23806 03-06-91 18 New ANSI screen Files
ANSI_Z71.ZIP 15669 03-12-91 22 Excellent ANSI screen Files
ANSI_Z92.ZIP 26965 04-02-91 21 Outstanding ANSI Screens
APLUS3.ZIP 284197 05-18-93 ANSIPlus v3.0: Great console driver for
| VGA/EGA under DOS 3.0-6.0, packed with
| features: full color control, screen saver,
| scroll-back, scroll freeze, smooth scrolling,
| key stacking, ANSI support, Windows aware,
| international support, easy to use utilities,
| free BBS updates, and much, more.
ARENAWEL.ZIP 84480 08-11-92 The Ansi graphic files that come with
| welcomeg.exe contain ansi music code. The
| registered WELCOMEG.exe will come with an
| ansi music configuration progam so that you
| may add Ansi music to your welcome screens.
ART25.ZIP 206719 01-19-93 ANSIartist SAA-Editor for ANSI Screens v2.5;
| A handy tool for sysops, advertisers,
| designers with some pretty features and
| state-of-the-art userinterface. Easy to use,
| easy to learn, featuring an intelligent
| optimizing of code for the smallest amount of
| bytes. Very good features.
ATYPE_11.ZIP 14266 04-28-91 Display ASCII / ANSI / ANSI MUSIC / AVATAR
| files from Dos.
BBSAMT20.ZIP 15650 09-25-92 BBS ANSI Music Tutorial v. 2.0: now includes
| instructions for coding ANSI Music for
| message posting and information on terminals
| that support it.
CALNUM10.ZIP 10433 10-02-93 CallNum v1.0; Add a colorful logon screen to
| greet your users with the number of total
| system calls (i.e. "You are caller number
| 34314"), but the actual caller number is in
| BIG ANSI characters!
CEL138E.ZIP 26697 12-19-91 menus originally designed and created by
| Malignant Growth, sysop of Fungus Land,
| created specifically for Celebrity BBS.
CEL138F.ZIP 21404 12-19-91 This set of menus was written and designed by
| General Zennor, sysop of The Cassandra
| Complex. work well if used as menus for
| Avatar emulation.
CEL138G.ZIP 30467 12-19-91 Celerity Menus; contains ansi and ascii menus
| for Celerity bulletin board software
CEL138H.ZIP 37999 12-19-91 Celerity Menus; contains ansi and ascii menus
| for Celerity bulletin board software
CEL138I.ZIP 38993 12-19-91 Celerity Menus; contains ansi and ascii menus
| for Celerity bulletin board
COLOR102.ZIP 17127 03-23-91 a simple, basic screen color changer for a
| more pleasant view when you are at the DOS
| prompt screen.
CONDOR30.ZIP 147776 06-15-93 CONDOR; ANSI.SYS replacment of sorts. Enables
| your CGA/EGA/VGA computer to do bitmap style
| graphics ANY time from DOS or from any
| program that uses DOS CON: for text output.
| With CONDOR you get from 320x200 to 640x480
| pixel graphics and ANSI too if you want
| because CONDOR recognizes most ANSI commands
| and can execute ANSI commands even while in a
| graphics mode. CONDOR will enhance online
| communications with it's abilities.
COWBOY.ZIP 1275 07-06-91 ANSI Screen For Cowboys?
CRUMPICS.ZIP 53172 03-23-91 53 ANSI Screen, Many Great Ones To View!
CUSTMENU.ZIP 2949 08-03-92 Custom menus for Wildcat bulletin board
| systems
DANSIPIC.ZIP 98236 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'D'.
DESIGN_8.ZIP 68153 07-07-91 SCREEN DESIGN is an easy to use program for
| designing fullscreen output for the IBM PC.
DRAWCAT.ZIP 33228 11-19-91 DrawCat v1.0; allow callers and sysops to
| take advantage of WC 3.0's @ codes for color.
| Sysops can save a tremondous ammout of time
EANSIPIC.ZIP 47140 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'E'.
ETGCE10G.ZIP 210421 02-27-92 ETGCedit v1.0; Extended Terminal Graphics and
| Capabilities Sequence Editor
FANSI11.ZIP 5780 05-26-91 Several ANSI drawings by Tim Hill/FANSIPANTS
| Volume #1, Issue #1
FANSIPIC.ZIP 106088 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'F'
FC301K_1.ZIP 316261 10-04-91 termcap for FANSI-CONSOLE This should be used
| with UNIX or UNIX-like utilities. It works
| with communications programs that interface
| with the console through BIOS or DOS calls.
FCONUPD4.ZIP 5955 04-26-91 About FANSI-CONSOLE The Integrated Console
| Utility Fast ANSI X3.64 Console Driver for
| the IBM-PC, IBM-PC/AT, IBM PS/2, and clones
FONT130.ZIP 130227 08-28-93 FONTASTIC v1.30; ANSI Text Editor with 15
| Fancy Fonts for ASCII and ANSI applications.
| Fonts are typed in "real time" and the screen
| can be saved as an ASCII, ANSI, .COM, or
| BINARY file. Many features for editing. FONT,
| DRAW, & TEXT modes. Two pages for loading and
| block tranfer of data. Special color
| functions for ANSI fonts. Pulldown menu,
| borders, box drawing, & more.
FRME5.ZIP 42628 12-07-91 French menus/ANSI screens/prompts. Updated
| for hidden commands.
GANSIPIC.ZIP 68982 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'G'.
GBS2BBS.ZIP 24237 01-04-93 GBS2BBS; Works with most ANSI files and
| converts them to nice ANSI files. Just
| compare the size of FLAG.GBS (ANSI) and
| FLAG.BBS (ANSI compiled with this program).
GIFLT200.ZIP 67896 01-05-93 GIFlite v2.0; GIF-to-GIF Compressor
| compresses GIF files by an average of 30% and
| yet still preserve the same quality and
| resolution. The resulting GIF files are
| almost identical to the original file. Human
| eyes can hardly tell them apart. By the
| author of Telemate and GIFLink
HANSIPIC.ZIP 63095 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'H'.
HDISP13A.ZIP 34897 05-30-93 HackDisp v1.3; The best Wildcat! 3.x and
| LAUGHING DOG 1.x ANSI converter just keeps
| getting better. Includes command line
| switches that help make ANSI bulletin
| conversions quick and painless, support for
| SHARE.EXE, file prefixes/suffixes, and more.
HDMENUS.ZIP 7718 12-19-91 Good Collection Of @ Codes Screens
HOLISCRN.ZIP 23553 09-01-92 Screens for Wildcat 3.xx.
IANSIPIC.ZIP 76407 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'I'.
ICEPACKZ.ZIP 439966 10-14-93 Large Collection Of Ansi & Ice Files & Viewers
INTRO.ZIP 19909 05-14-91 Collection Of ANSI Screens; lion's roar in
| the first screen and background music
| The Drifters) thru the rest if the animation.
JSF_TDF.ZIP 3992 03-25-93 TheDraw Fonts: Thin, Thick Wide and Raster
JSPV101.ZIP 31456 05-27-93 Joes Snow Paint v1.01; ANSI Graphics Drawing
| Program with plenty of features.
LANSI1.ZIP 12380 05-08-91 Shell program for ANSI File Viewing From A
| Menu
MGESHARE.ZIP 228365 08-19-91 MGE vDM2.01a; MGE is the Microstar Graphics
| Editor, a graphics creation package that lets
| you create vivid, high resolution, full
| colour drawings using standard PC hardware.
| The drawings conform to the NAPLPS standard
MMS.ZIP 42957 12-19-91 7 sets of menus that are used on The Oilfield
| BBS, they can be used with Wildcat ver. 3xx,
| use Wildraw to edit the screens to suit your
| needs
NANSIUTL.ZIP 6637 04-03-91 Utilities For NNANSI.SYS ANSI Driver MORE.COM
| and VIEW.COM For ANSI Text Reading
NAPAPI10.ZIP 339229 07-13-93 NAPLPS API v1.00; Now programmers interested
| in adding NAPLPS support to their programs
| can do so without the long development times
| and headaches associated with writing their
| own API from scratch. All users of this API
| have the option of purchasing the full Turbo
| Pascal 7.0 source code.
NAPART1.ZIP 273904 03-20-93 Over 90 NAPLPS pictures, animation, etc.
NAPICO11.ZIP 37738 04-04-93 NAPICO version 1.1 will take a specially
| prepared NAPLPS drawing and insert Windows 3
| icons into it as NAPLPS bitmaps. Includes
| sample images.
NAPLPS.ZIP 56353 04-04-93 Technical specifications for NAPLPS graphics
| protocol
NEWFONTS.ZIP 45974 10-16-93 Fixes Mondo Fonts that did not fill properly.
| Simply Unzip them in your C:\ROBOFX\FXDRAW
| directory.
NNANS591.ZIP 57555 06-13-91 NNANSI.SYS Enhanced MS-DOS ANSI Console
| Driver For EGA/VGA Displays
PCBX100.ZIP 11423 09-13-91 4k TSR to save any screen in PCBoard @X code
| format.
PCPROMPT.ZIP 4063 02-19-91 These prompts are the 13 prize winners from
| PcComputing Magazine
PVS_1.ZIP 67332 01-03-91 Prevue; Preview many different games, BBS
| lists and BBS screens.
PWSANSI.ZIP 42700 05-31-93 A wide assortment of collector edition ANSI
| art files.
RANDANS2.ZIP 48739 09-09-93 RandANSI v2.0; Easy to use program allows
| sysops to randomize their Login or logoff
| screens. It now supports .ANS, .ASC, .AVT,
| and .RIP Gives your BBS a new look every time
| a user logs n.
RBMORPH.ZIP 108827 05-23-93 RoBomorph v1.0; converts *.GIF files into
| *.RBO. format for RoboBBS
RGMENUS1.ZIP 5291 03-15-92 Renegade BBS: ANSI Screen Menus 1/2.
RGMENUS2.ZIP 6379 03-16-92 Renegard BBS: ANSI Screen Menus 2/2.
RTIST095.ZIP 94772 10-02-91 AnsRtist; Sysop Tool Kit, 21 Font Styles,
| Simultaneous ANSI and ASCII Text Files, Fast
| Color Selection, Screen Fills and More.
SCR2BBS.ZIP 13551 09-02-91 Wildcat or PCB ANSI screen converter to
| codes. Mainly Wildcat.
SMILE20.ZIP 80907 01-01-92 SMILE v2.0; Viewer is an ANSI display/library
| utility that allows the user to view files
| containing ANSI sequences, Music strings in
| BASIC "PLAY" format and Sounds using a custom
| SOUND code.
STANSI.ZIP 2496 03-09-93 Ansi ads for BBS Release of "Star Trek:
| Before Destruction!" (ST-NOVEL.ZIP). 2
| formats of the same ad.
SUPASNAP.ZIP 17209 05-09-91 contains 13 images, ranging from whole
| screens to single lines.
T2A20.ZIP 40761 01-24-93 T2A Version 2.0 Create Ansi/Avatar files from
| ANY LENGTH text files. For RemoteAccess.
| Insert RA variables with simple Ctl-Key
| presses. Fast and flexible.
TD131.ZIP 68197 11-13-91 create ASCII or ANSI files with text from a
| list of large fonts(big letters). The text
| can be saved to be used in batch files, text
| files, or THEDRAW using color
TDRAW462.ZIP 287488 09-24-93 TheDraw Screen Editor v4.62; Text-oriented
| screen design tool. Similar is some regards
| to a graphics paint program. Offers multiple
| page SPRITE editing, powerful Ansi ANIMATION
| support, Ansi/Ascii FONTS, pulldown menus,
| full mouse support & online help. Saves files
| QuickBasic), and source code in Asm Pascal
| and C formats.
TDXL3.ZIP 34430 01-26-93 TSR for TheDraw to create PCBoard @X ANSI
| color screens. View, Load and Save @X format
| files from within TheDraw(R).
TDXL_3.ZIP 34436 01-08-92 Shareware TSR for TheDraw to create PCBoard
| @X ANSI color screens. View, Load and Save @X
| format files from within TheDraw(R).
TOPDR007.ZIP 35073 10-15-91 Top_Draw v0.07ß; designed to create ANSI /
| AVATAR screens for BBS systems. It's not an
| all-round ANSI creation program. It's main
| purpose is to design and create ANSI and
| AVATAR screens that are useful on a BBS
TX2PCX.ZIP 10401 01-18-91 TXT2PCX; a unique, memory resident, file
| utility which will convert any text screen to
| a graphics screen and save that graphics
| screen as a PCX file.
UDRAW100.ZIP 45638 10-03-91 ULTIDRAW; Commands are simular to those of
| TheDraw so usage is easy. Loaded with tons of
| features!
UPDATE56.ZIP 37546 02-13-93 Wide variety of ANSI Screens, Good Stuff!
VANSIL43.ZIP 2934 06-18-91 Extended ANSI driver specifically designed to
| work with the ATI VGA Wonder series cards.
| This driver also supports 43 and 50 lines
| under DOS as well as 132 columns.
VIOLCA56.ZIP 33560 02-13-93 Good collection of the ANSI Art of Violet Sty
VIOLCA58.ZIP 10251 03-08-93 Good collection of the ANSI Art of Violet Sty
VIOLCA59.ZIP 13446 03-13-93 Cool collection of ANSI Art of Violet Sty
VIOLCA62.ZIP 15255 04-08-93 Good collection of the ANSI Art of Violet Sty
WANSI1_2.ZIP 37624 08-10-91 WinANSI Windows ANSI Editor; WinANSI provides
| a Windows 3.x user with the ability to edit
| ANSI display screens without exiting Windows.
ZAVT111.ZIP 46350 03-10-91 zavt; Enhanced MS-DOS ansi/avatar console
| driver which understands ANSI control
| sequences as well as Avatar level 0. It has
| several advantages over most other drivers.
| It supports any display mode the BIOS can set
| up; It can be addressed by two different
| names so the default output can be left in
| raw mode; The blasted bell is now 1/9 second
ZZTOP.ZIP 2488 02-09-93 ZZTop Eliminator ANSI Screen From George
| Ramos. Excellent!